Bernie Mshana

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It’s Ramadan! Invite me for iftar? I already have the shoes #CROCS

God is an important part of Tanzanian life. Whether you believe in a tree god, a sun god, or God god, we don’t care as long as there’s God in your life. All Tanzanians -okay, maybe not all-all, but like, all- believe that there’s a God, and a single one at that. And whether you believe in that God via one religion or the other is less important than the fact that you believe in one. Because of that, no matter your religion or denomination, if you grew up here you most likely have at one point or another exclaimed “Alhamdulilah” or vehemently responded “All the time” when someone said, God is good. That’s what I love about this country! That’s what keeps the peace in this nation! And that’s what makes many #Tanzanian kids the happiest -because we get a dress for both Eid and Christmas! LOL! 😂 Tell me that’s not true!

My father’s side of the family is actually Muslim -so I’m not even joking about the two dresses thing. I really did always get two dresses! And although my aunt, Mama K, is a chef and I spent most Eid’s at her place munching on the BEST samosas anyone has ever made, my favorite part about Eid was actually the Ramadan period leading up to it. All our Muslim neighbors used to invite us to iftar in the evenings. And if you’ve ever smelt the cardamom and nutmeg spices in some coconut cassava or taro root dish, you know that you can’t say no. Mama Amina (I swear I’m not making the name up 😂), one of our neighbors, probably made the best spaghetti and grape juice in the whole street. So, I absolutely abused the invitations to her place -never said no.

I live too far from Mama Amina’s house these days so, nowadays, Ramadan for me means a great -self sponsored- iftar meal at Tasty Bakery in Mikocheni. I swear, those guys know what they're doing! But this season is filled with so much love and generosity that I barely have to buy my own iftar. So many friends are constantly extending iftar invites -so yay-me! As for the dress, because I’m a grown woman (😂 deep down I really do wish someone would buy me a dress for Eid 😂), I'm settling for these new crocs. You can also shop the Crocs Ramadan collection at Footsteps, and then we can be twinning and iftar hopping in style! JK JK - but seriously, get the #crocs.