Black woman eating ice-cream with eyes closed

what I’m doing now…

September was nothing short of bravery, answering the long overdue call to relocate to Chanika, and October has so far been God providing the means to live here comfortably.

  • I’ve recently moved to my little one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam. I’m officially a cottage core babe, living with her father.

  • I’m oddly busy for a job-free person. I’ve been taking the ALX Virtual Assistant course online and continuing to freelance write. Remember the client I mentioned in this letter? If you are not subscribed, you can do so here: Subscribe.

  • I’m now on day 226 of the Bible in a Year Podcast by Father Mike Schmit, and I’m loving the reflections!

  • Almost done with Becoming by Michelle Obama and soon to start reading Daring Greatly by Brené Brown!

LAST UPDATED: October 15th, 2022, from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania